Friday, January 19, 2018

Warlord K47 M5A5/6 Jackal Walker - construction

So I have started building the Warlord Games M5 Jackal walker for Konflikt '47 Weird War 2 system.

I decided to pin the legs to ensure they remained in place. I estimated the centre point on sockets for the legs and drilled a 1mm hole to take a brass rod. I then drilled a matching hole in the ball joint of the top of the leg. I then used a loop of greenstuff (with a small piece in the holes) and a brass rod to pin it together.
That was then left to set. William Killian for scale.
The greenstuff was not sticky enough on one leg, and I had to superglue it back in.

The arms were just glued in place as was the hand/claw pieces. The rear part of the body (with the arms attached) was then added to the front parts (with the legs).
I had not added the pieces to the legs (thrusters?) and unfortunately there is no room to get them in place.
There is a marked gap between the front and rear halves of the body, which will need filling.

There is an annoying join through one of the panels, which shows a lack of thought in the way the body was split for moulding.